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2018 AfricaRice Open Data Competition

AfricaRice needs to continuously strive to increase the quality, usefulness and accessibility of knowledge and technology that it produces with its partners for the benefit of Africa’s rice sector.

Data are central to this effort and everything that AfricaRice does revolves around data as they are at the heart of every research institute. Data need to be collected, analyzed and interpreted in the most efficient way, and stored for others to use. Mountains of data, however, remain to be uploaded and maintained in the Center’s data repositories.

Through the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture (, AfricaRice has allocated resources to help scientists who have historical data to get these uploaded on the AfricaRice Dataverse data repository (


To have a least 100 datasets, data and metadata annotated, uploaded in Dataverse repository by December 2018.


Reward individuals for uploading qualified datasets in AfricaRice Dataverse (


AfricaRice scientists send their datasets to the Open Data Team using the template for surveyor the template for experiment.The Open Data Team ensures that the data are in accordance with the CGIAR Core metadata schema standards and supports scientists in completing the templateThe Open Data Team uploads the datasets in Dataverse

Scientists will be given:

3 points for any dataset generated from 2013 onwards and linked to a journal article2.5 points for any dataset generated before 2013 and linked to a journal article2 points for any dataset generated from 2013 onwards and linked to other types of publications1.5 points for any dataset generated before 2013 and linked to other types of publications1 point for any dataset generated from 2013 onwards and not linked directly to any publication.0.5 point for any dataset generated before 2013 and not linked directly to any publication

In the case of multiple authors, each receives the same points.

Scientists who excel during the 2018 AfricaRice Open Data Competition will be invited to attend the Big Data Convention in Nairobi (competition open until end of September 2018), or the International Rice Congress

(competition open until end of September 2018) or any other important scientific conference in 2018 (competition open until end of November 2018).

In addition to the ‘2018 Open Data Competition’ that will support participation in scientific conferences, AfricaRice through the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture, has allocated funds to support open access publications in 2018.

For more details on the ‘2018 AfricaRice Open Data Competition’ and the ‘support for open access publications’, please contact Dr Ibnou Dieng


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